Monday, November 3, 2008

"The Call"

Do not be afraid of sudden panic, or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.

Proverbs 3:25-26

I’m back! Did you miss me? I realized this morning that since I last wrote the price of a gallon of gas has gone down at least a dollar, the weather has changed from summer to fall, and the headlines were dealing with the economic bailout, not the upcoming election. Wow! A lot can happen in a month.

Our family is dealing with the illness of my father-in-law. He has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung disease that progressively worsens over time. He was a heavy smoker for forty years and worked in a steel mill – both factors contributing to the severity of his condition. In addition to dealing with the disease, we are dealing with the complications of the treatments he has been given over time to lessen the symptoms. Heavy doses of steroids reduce inflammation in the airways. They also leech calcium out of the bones, resulting in extremely painful stress fractures in the spine. In the past six weeks, we have had calls notifying us of three trips to the emergency room, the last one a life flight call.

Each time he has rallied. Each time we have rejoiced that this was not “the call.” My mother-in-law entertains the idea that if we can move him to a better climate, if they can clear up the infections in his lungs, if they can adjust his medications, if they can . . . then he will get better. But, apart from a miracle from God, COPD is what it is. The outcome is determined; the timing is all we are waiting on.

And, so it is with our nation. We have fallen into the quagmire of socialism – with the consent of both political parties. As conservatives waged the war to prevent the spread of socialized medicine, they were unprepared to prevent the socialization of our banking system and auto manufacturing industries. In an attempt to not lose what we have, we have passed policies that will end in our losing our freedoms. Like steroid treatment for COPD, government intrusions into the markets leech economic freedom from our foundation. It is a temporary fix that will kill you.
Socialism is what it is. The outcome of socialism has been determined. It results in higher taxes, fewer choices and creates a disincentive to productivity. Allowing the philosophy to take its natural course will result in the end of those freedoms which make our country great. The timing is all we are waiting on. Will it happen on our watch?

Scripture promises that, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Notice it doesn’t specify whether the Lord needs a Republican or a Democrat in office to achieve His purpose - only His people on their knees.

Tomorrow is Election Day. The results matters. But, regardless of the outcome, do not assume that this is “the call.”

Lord, forgive us for engaging in politics when we should be on our faces in prayer. May our hope only be in You.

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