Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There are two things for which I have a low tolerance - incompetence and a lack of logic. Having worked in retail sales for years, incompetence in employees who meet and greet the public grates on my nerves. It is generally caused by a lack of training, and therefore the fault of management. Presumably, if an individual is properly trained and continues to be incompetent, he moves to the status of former employee. He should never be the first impression a customer receives about a company.

But, that is not my point for this missive. The news on talk radio this morning is about the National Organization for Women's (NOW) objection to a proposed commercial to be aired during the Super Bowl. "Is their objection about the scantily clad females portrayed in beer commercials?" you might ask. Or, have they risen up in objection to the abuse of frogs in Budweiser commercials?

Of course not. They are opposed to an ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother. For those of you who live in closets and don't know, Tim Tebow is a Heisman trophy winning college football player for the Florida Gators. (Yes, he is going to make a lot of money when he goes pro.) Why does NOW object to an ad with this young man? Because the ad talks about the fact that when pregnant with Tim, his mother was seriously ill and doctors recommended that she abort the pregnancy for her health's sake. She chose not to, and, as they say, the rest is history.

NOW is petitioning CBS to pull the ad, saying that it is divisive and could cause some women to not take the advice of their physician. Once again, the logic of my gender disappoints me. NOW is pro-choice. Tim's mom made a choice. However, NOW doesn't like her choice, so they don't want anybody to hear about it. What kind of logic is that?

The truth is, NOW is a group of women who are misguided and blind to the truth of God's purpose and plans for their lives. Lord, forgive them. They know not what they do.

And, Lord, forgive me for my judgmentalism (about NOW and incompetence). I know better.

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