Monday, July 28, 2008

Humility - Proverbs 22

The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.
Proverbs 22:4

Patriot Academy has provided an awesome opportunity for the Lord to bring together an extraordinary group of young people. He has chosen each participant over the years to keep a divine appointment with their destiny by bringing them to the seat of government in Texas and letting them “try on” the mantle of governance.

Humility is not the first thought that comes to mind when considering modern day politicians. However, God’s word says that there is a reward for humility and for the fear of the Lord. So, what does the word actually mean?

According to Webster’s, humility is the act of being humble. Humble is “not proud or haughty, not arrogant or assertive; reflecting , expressing or offered in a spirit of deference or submission.”

Part of my fear of the Lord is the knowledge that He loves me enough to bring me to a humble state if I choose not to do so myself. Now, (don’t ask me how I know this) in my lifetime I have found that if I choose not to humble myself, the Lord will find someone to do it for me through a word that sounds similar, but has a far different meaning – humiliation. Humiliation means “to reduce to a lower position in one’s own eyes or another’s eyes; i.e mortify.” For example, the approach Mama Seay takes when a Patriot sleeps in rather than participate in early morning sessions.

The public arena gives a great many opportunities for people to think more of themselves than they should. If your motivation is to be someone, rather than to do something, there is a great danger that brushing shoulders with powerful people or elected officials will cause you to take your eyes off the ball (golf ball, that is).

If you find yourself impressed when you are in the presence of a particular individual and it is not because of their godliness, BEWARE! Warning bells should be going off in your head that you are in danger of putting someone in the position that the Lord should have in your life.
I have found that if I begin my day with a few minutes with the Creator of the Universe each morning that meeting the governor in the elevator is not a really big deal. Likewise, when I am communicating with the Lord, it is much easier for me to communicate His vision in policy and relationships.

And, as the Word promises, humility and fear of the Lord brings the reward of honor and riches and life.

Lord, impart to these Patriots the awe and wonder that comes with an intimate knowledge of You. Do not allow them be led astray by the power or wealth of this world. Amen.

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