Monday, August 18, 2008


A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 18:2

If you have known me or read anything I have written for very long, you have probably heard me say, “I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.” I wish I could take credit for coming up with that, but the first time I heard it was when Rep. Warren Chisum used it on the House floor in response to a question he was answering for the third or fourth time. When I told him how much I enjoyed it, he shared that it was not original with him, but a line that the late Lt. Governor Bob Bullock used on a regular basis. So, now that I have appropriately credited it, I get to use it at will.

And, it is an appropriate thought in light of today’s verse. Unlike many chapters in Proverb which focus on wisdom, Chapter 19 speaks to being a fool. Of course, foolishness is the flip side of wisdom and it serves us well to have examples of actions that depict a fool. Sometimes it is a matter of judgment when we classify someone as a fool. Other times, it is just a matter of applying the facts to the situation and stating the obvious. At that point, it is not judgment, and if the truth hurts, maybe it shouldn’t be the truth.

The political realm does not have a monopoly on fools who only want to express their own opinion. However, it is difficult during campaign season to prove that. Political campaigns are the time for drawing lines and saying “this is where I am on this issue and this is where I will not go on the issue.” So, it takes some research on the part of the voter to determine whether the candidate he is about to vote for is a fool.

And, here is the point where the voter may prove to be a fool. If a candidate does not agree with me on an issue, there is a mutual responsibility to attempt to understand the other person’s point of view.

Do I agree with the political position that women should have the freedom to choose to abort a pregnancy?


Do I understand that some people truly believe that abortion prevents unintended consequences from an unexpected pregnancy?


Understanding my opposition’s point of view does not mean that I have to agree with them or change my mind. It doesn’t even mean I have to compromise to reach an agreement. It doesn’t mean I should vote for them. But, it does generally show me where I can give information to counter their position and it always opens my eyes to how to pray over the situation.

A person who is misled on issues near to God’s heart (myself included) has a lot bigger problems than wining or losing an election or policy position.

Lord, please give me an understanding heart and guard my tongue

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