Friday, August 8, 2008

What Needs to Change?

For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths.
Proverbs 5:21

It is funny how the things that ought to motivate you are not necessarily the things that get your attention in the first place. The knowledge that the eyes of the Lord are watching all my paths fills me with fear and trembling now that I am “old, advanced in years.” But, I was not nearly as aware of that in my youth.

Most toddlers (and teenagers) know that the eyes of their mother are watching all of their paths. Around middle school the concern becomes that the eyes of their peers are watching all that they wear. That is when the desire to look like and be like everybody else seems to be at its height. During middle school and high school the fads in hairstyles and clothing create the photo opportunities that will delight your future offspring. Nothing makes a daughter quite so glad not to be her mother as seeing the ridiculous clothes or hairstyles that she wore at that age.

But around the time that you become a parent you realize that there are another set of eyes on you. Every word out of your mouth, every gesture is seen by your offspring. If you wonder how you look when you are angry, becoming a parent will quickly reveal that to you in the behavior of your child. Does what your child say when they stub their toe surprise you? It shouldn’t. It is probably what they heard you say the day before. Do you expect your children to be ethical? What do you tell them to say when they answer the phone and it is someone you do not wish to speak to?

So far my favorite stage of life has been watching my granddaughter hold my daughter accountable for what she says and does. Some of the behaviors I unsuccessfully tried to change as a parent have miraculously been abandoned when viewed through the mirror of her daughter’s eyes. Like her mother before her, my daughter is getting a new understanding of integrity, honesty, self-control, patience, and love through her daughter as Hannah watches “all her paths.”

While there are various stages of life where the lesson comes home to each of us, the vital thing to remember is that the Lord is watching all that you say and do. It is like the golf ball. He is always there as a witness (even when you drop the golf ball). He knows what your eyes see and where your thoughts wander. He knows which websites you choose to explore, how you treated your date last night, and what you said about that person who offended you.

If you are ever feeling particularly self-righteous and thinking you might have “arrived” at your peak of spirituality, try this. Ask the Lord to show you all the things about yourself that are not pleasing to Him. Then, get out the pen and journal, because I assure you that there is going to be an extensive “to do” list to work on. Several days later, after you have cried, “Uncle,” repented, and begged for mercy He will give you a break and let you work on those things without more piling on.

But, always remember that He is watching all your paths. And He will always tell you the things you need to change when you have the courage and the faith to ask.

Lord, give me the courage to see the things in my life that need to change.

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